Messy Magic

Why would anyone want to combine embodiment and copywriting? 🤔

• Nadee Guy • Season 2 • Episode 26

Once we get past the cringe-y intro, today’s topic is super close to my heart because it combines two of my passions - feminine embodiment and conversion copywriting.

How!? You might wonder.

It’s a valid question. I actually wondered the same thing. Lol.

One of them is body-based, inner world-focused and a way of being.

The other is strategic, mind-focused, logical and is all about conversions.

But through my explorations and play, I’m finding beautiful fertile ground for infusion of the two. Masculine + Feminine. A gorgeous new modality.

If you’re a creator, today’s episode may inspire you to look at things differently.


If you’ve considered, or are considering, combining two seemingly unrelated skillsets or offerings into one beautiful beast, today’s episode may also inspire you to proceed. In fact, I truly hope it does.

Let’s play.

Sending love x

As a Feminine Embodiment coach for women, I am dedicated to helping them establish unshakeable self-love, self-trust, and self-understanding resulting in confidence and freedom to live a beautiful life, filled with magic and pleasure.

Links from the episode:

8 minutes to embodied expression - your free guided visualisation


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Have a magical day x