Messy Magic

Can we please stop shaming ourselves for self care?? 🌼

• Season 2 • Episode 20

Ever feel guilty for taking time out for yourself? You are not alone - I’ve had three separate conversations today with women who desire more self care but feel some level of resistance to it.

Hear me: self care is not selfish.

In fact, I believe that self care is not only nourishing to self, but the resulting overflow has a beautiful and powerful ripple effect for everyone around you.

Let me put it another way: looking after yourself is actually being of service to the world around you.

It’s a win-win!

So where is this resistance originating? It’s worth pondering.

This episode also covers some ideas for self-care, nourishment and deep self love.

Go ahead and take time for yourself. We’re waiting ;)

Sending love x

As a Feminine Embodiment coach for women, I am dedicated to helping them establish unshakeable self-love, self-trust, and self-understanding resulting in confidence and freedom to live a beautiful life, filled with magic and pleasure.



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Have a magical day x